明星访谈深入探究 苹果音乐妇女节推送BLACKPINK ROSÉ保举歌单 l KBS WORLD Chinese
发布日期:2024-12-29 08:45 点击次数:58
ⓒ YG Entertainment
3月8日国外妇女节,苹果音乐推送了一批女性歌手保举的歌单,BLACKPINK ROSÉ(朴彩英)手脚唯独韩国歌手参与其中。
苹果音乐为挂念妇女节推送了主题为“引颈期间的女性(Visionary Women)”的一系列歌单。参与此主题歌单保举的有ROSÉ、Alessia Cara、Cardi B、周迅、刘若英等来自负众列国的女性歌手。
ROSÉ在我方的歌单中保举了25首音乐作品,包括英国闻明原创歌手Amy Winehouse的《Love Is a Losing Game》以偏激所属的组合BLACKPINK的《口哨》、《Lovesick Girls》、《DDU-DU DDU-DU》和Jennie的个东谈主单曲《SOLO》等。
除此除外,好意思国闻明杂志《视相Variety》在妇女节之际评比出54位(组)“人人文娱界最具影响力的女性(Women That Have Made an Impact in Global Entertainment)”,BLACKPINK位列其中。
此外,ROSÉ备受瞩忖度打算个东谈主专辑《R》行将于好意思国东部时辰12日0点、韩国时辰下昼2点刊行。主打歌《On The Ground》预报片8日公开后仅18个小时播放量便残害600万次。
Arrest Warrants to be Sought for tp1 Captain and Crew Member of Oil Tanker
Arrest Warrants to be Sought for tp1 Captain and Crew Member of Oil Tanker
[Sound bite: President Moon Jae-in (Korean)]
"South Korea and China are comrades who went through and overcame the hardships of the modern history together. I hope my visit to China will serve as a starting point to upgrade bilateral ties by another dimension based upon our comradely trust. As South Korea and China defeated the colonial imperialism, I hope we can overcome the current crisis of the North East Asia together."
Moon said a nuclear North Korea cannot be accepted under any circumstances and once again stressed dialogue with North Korea.